The picture is of  David Blatner, the author of The Joy of Pi. He is standing beside the pi model  that's in the inner courtyard of a Boeing fabrication division. It may not  be in existence much longer.

By way of a context, these facts are as briefly put forth:

The way he and this model came into contact was through a string of circumstances that began in 1993 when I found 5 acres with a lovely house on 5 acres, right on the Cedar River. It  was a dream come true because the price was right,  it was suitable for me, and  it  was on an especially  lovely stretch of the Cedar River. I had property I could sell to acquire it so I made an offer. It was accepted so I listed my property and got a suitable buyer (I thought) who could easily complete the sale immediately. Many problems arose from several areas but basically the real estate transaction from hell followed because my buyer didn't get financing in time for me to get my dream property and it was sold to someone else. When my buyer did get financing, the contract between us had expired but she insisted termination dates didn't end our contract and she (and a hidden partner) wanted to buy my property. It's a block from Alki Beach in West Seattle, the address is 3014 61st Ave. S. W, by the way.  I had no reason to sell then and told her the contract had expired. She got an attorney who told me forthrightly that the terms in a contract didn't matter, so I ought to avoid the costs, stress and turmoil a civil suit would create and just sell my property and get on with my life. I was outraged when he told me the terms in a contract don't matter, and I believed he could not ignore a legal agreement that way, so I got a lawyer after he filed a suit. I was astonished when I read the 'allegations' in it, because all the details in the transaction were exactly reversed!!! There were signed documents that ought to have easily disproved everything in the suit so in my naiveté, I took them to that attorney to show him that he had reversed every detail. He waved my attempts away, saying in court the judge would decide what happened, "the papers don't matter"'.  It was an extremely complex situation that would be difficult to describe in less than a book. As a result  I became involved in a civil suit that went as far as the State Supreme Court, during which time I began to read law cases, and then books about the legal process and it's history. I hired one attorney, released him after a few months, then represented myself for a time, then got another attorney who seemed to do the necessary research so I had some degree of trust in him. As it turned out, none of the appropriate details were brought out in court,  the attorneys summarized their case, and the judge ruled against me. I asked my attorney why he had not focused on getting the actual documents brought out in court and at that point he told me the judge does not like to hear one attorney call another one a liar. "Both sides just tell a story and which ever story the judge likes bests, he decides for." were his actual words to me as we walked out of the court room. I filed an appeal to the state Supreme court.

 The attorney that represented me at the Appeals court level  became the instrument of 'fate', if that's what 'meaning-full coincidence' really is.

I was paying my bills one day and I'd written a check to pay the attorney that was representing me at the time. I had a package of pictures that I'd recently taken,  laying nearby and for some reason my hand reached for one of them.  It was a picture of the pi model where I work. Without thinking, I slipped it into the envelope along with the bill. It didn't occur to me to wonder why I would send a picture of the pi model to my attorney, nor did I mention it at all later. The attorney didn't say anything about it either, for nearly a year . Then one day we were talking on the phone and he asked if I remembered a picture of a pi symbol that I'd sent to him. He told me he'd sent it off right away to a friend of his who was writing a book about pi. The book was ready for publication now and the author wanted to have his picture taken near the model in the picture. I told him where it was.

He told me his friend's name was David Blatner, so that's how I became aware a book about pi was being written. It was published at about the same time the movie Pi came out.

But the point is that no consciousness of mine made the decision to send that picture but my body acted on some alert and attentive component in my mind that made the decision. I watched without an curiosity! A distinct part of me other than my conscious will seemed to know the picture was so nearby. For at least a year the attorney did not mention the picture. Nor did he ever ask me why I'd done such an odd thing as enclose a picture that would seem to have  no meaning to him in ordinary circumstances. He was friendly and chatty usually but he never mentioned getting the picture or that he'd sent it off right away  to someone whom he thought might be interested in it. What level of consciousness was involved in this interface?

 That kind of impulsivity  is not typical for me at all but it's not the first time it happened. There had been other situations when  no reason I could see, my hand seemed to be working from some instructions that my own conscious intents and will were not creating.

Later another attorney told me it quite often happens that an attorney files a 'cause of action' just to get in front of a judge then a completely different issue or situation can be 'tried'.  Because most people will do anything to avoid  the expense, it usually enough to threaten a law suit. If that doesn't work, there's always the chance that a different judge will be sympathetic. The attorney also told me that nobody had to prove any of the allegations that had gotten the case to into court. That is what happened in this case, much to my utter disbelief. 

I began to read  legal texts and then I began to do research into the citation system. I had not known that there always had to be a precedent from the past, from a case that was supposed to be similar in some way to cite, in filing a suit.  It involved taking a detail out of its original context as I found out, much the same way some religious people 'search the scriptures of the past' to prove something.  The patterns of the past in the legal process are decisions made by other judges that in some way seem to be relevant to the present case. All the citations in this case were from complicated corporate real estate transactions that were not in any detail similar to a simple house sale.

After the trial, a thought flashed into my mind that 'searching the scriptures of the past' as a lawyer has to do, is symbolically connected to how many religions rely Thus I became aware that the 'legal system' is based on the one pattern that governs almost every facet of life on Earth today: "searching the 'scriptures' of the past'", taking some detail out of it's original context.

It was an anguish to learn this because I had to learn this after the judge gave his decision.  During the trial,  I had noticed the two attorneys, mine and the other side's attorney seemed to ignore every detail written in the actual suit, and the judge seemed not to notice. He  made no effort to conduct a trial about the 'allegations' made in the suit, there was not even a mention of the 'facts' in the papers I'd received.

It would have been hilarious if it had not involved a 'dream house' that I'd wanted to buy with the down payment his client was supposed to provide to me

 The way the attorney reversed every detail gave me a perfect experience of how 'projection' as it is psychiatrically defined works. A person sees what he/she is doing but it seems like someone else is being observed, it's a 'bit of information' that is somehow twisted around and exteriorized, outside of the body.

 This is important: In every document cited in the trial, and they are all on record, this attorney described what his client had done, but attributed that in every detail to me! Nobody paid any attention.

 Well, it's a long very sad story but I won't go  further into the details..

The important thing is that it's on record: There was a distinct reversal of every fact in the allegations and there was paperwork to prove this. But as my attorney told me after the trial, "The judge doesn't like to hear one attorney call another one a liar. Each side has to tell a story and whichever one the judge likes best will get his decision."